4 Reasons ClevAir is Your Best Building Automation System for HVAC
Published by Sumayyah Hai
According to the the latest consensus reports by European Commission, buildings account for 40% of energy consumed in Europe. As well as 36% of CO2 emissions, continent-wide. The numbers are very similar in the United States. Apart from all the trouble this is causing our planet and eating away at our natural resources, that’s a lot of your money lost. These buildings are commercial and residential. So they include healthcare facilities, hotels, educational institutes, shopping malls, and mainly offices for companies in every industry. Each may or may not have its own method of building management.
The fact is that our facilities need a better building management solution (BMS). At an era as fast paced as this one, it is crucial to become smarter. Greener. More energy efficient. Friendlier to the planet, and to your pockets as well.
Although brand new buildings are being built on responsible and smart technologies, there’s a massive percentage of older-built infrastructures that are liquidating revenue by the minute. The major utilities responsible for this huge waste in these buildings, are lighting and HVAC. Heating and hot water alone make up for 60% of the building’s total energy use. The problem is very ripe for a building-optimizing intervention.
Facility management doesn’t have to be expensive and unyielding. As you might already know. The answers to questions like: what area is energy consumed most, how do I save on energy, how big is the gap between my current carbon footprint and the national benchmark, are hidden in your building’s data. Ron Zimmer, CEO of Continental Automated Building Association (CABA) has likened this data to gold. So as to highlight the huge value it holds for the future of your business.
Any business.
Every machine and device in your building generates data. And once it is harnessed, the possibilities for its use cases are endless. The Internet of Things has made it possible for us to harness and muster this data. What ClevAir further does with this, is make it useful and sensible enough for you to understand.
And that’s the first bling about this IoT solution, that separates it from other building management solutions (BMS).
1. It makes sense out of shambles
Raw data extracted from your building’s assets are quite honestly just a jumble of 1’s and 0’s. If you move a step forward in translation, it’s still just a series of event points in painfully long tables. The key is to make sense of this data and turn it into information you can act upon or get an understanding of. You eventually want to manage your building more efficiently and save money alongside right? ClevAir dashboards help you do exactly that.
One look at the interface and you know which parts of your building have what indoor climate (humidity levels, temperature, etc). It’s like sensors’ data from everywhere in your facility, but all gathered in one screen. Only it is easier to understand and derive insights from. Information is presented much clearly, and frankly, is quite easy on the eyes.
2. Provides Predictive Maintenance
Imagine a life with no bad news. I mean the bad news associated with your facility’s HVAC systems. Updates like, the compressor has stopped working. The aircons in floor 1 are not cooling anymore. The customers at the restaurant are loosening their neckties and complaining about how hot it is in there. Wouldn’t it be great if you never had to deal with these glitches? Problems in HVAC functions could stem from a needle in a haystack. Thankfully, widgets and analytics on the ClevAir platform use algorithms that can predict when exactly, which device, located where, is about to perform poorly or fail.
Such information allows you to take inspection and maintenance actions, beforehand. It does not disrupt the comfort of the people or the condition of equipment, indoors. Not only would this save you loads of money that you would spend on replacing expensive assets, it will also help extend the longevity of your assets. Furthermore, it gives you plenty of time to allocate the right technical personnel for the job without compromising the operation of the asset. I still haven’t mentioned the costs you save associated with the downtime of the device/system. Well there, I did.
3. Integrates with your legacy systems, seamlessly
A much trickier aspect in adopting digitization, is integration. While IoT startups and companies might have excellent architectures of connected systems, some are install-able only during construction, and others take weeks or months to embed. And involve a costly ‘rip and replace’, in your existing setting.
Smart Plants however, provides a modern, turnkey solution that integrates with your pre-installed HVAC systems, and other existing devices. And that is regardless of the age or size of your facility. A plug n’ play solution of this type is extremely useful for optimizing assets. It also saves you a lot of time. The solution is retrofitted with your existing control systems, and all data from these assets is securely gathered, processed and delivered.
4. Helps you make a giant leap in small steps
Finally. Yes, I get how this can be an adventurous leap. And many still consider it a challenge for smart technologies to combine with their existing infrastructure. The good news is as that we completely get it. We get that with tight staff there is no room for training and steep learning curves in workplaces today. In fact, ClevAir improves and enhances the existing efforts of people working. But what is most attractive about this particular solution is that it is not a take-all-at-once solution. On the contrary, it is cleverly modularized. This means you can adopt minimally at first, test how successfully it is functioning with your building operations, visualize your ROI, and then, if required, increment the functionality with added modules. And don’t worry. We’re always here for any support you need throughout the process. Even after.
The cost and effort involved in embracing a digitized, modern facility is not as scary as it seems. In reality it is a long-term, lean solution that’ll save you from numerous costly maintenance, damage control, or replacements procedures that you might already be spending on. With some prioritizing and need-based decisions, you are on your way to a more connected and digitized new age.
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